How to Customize Your Box

Each week you’re scheduled to get a share, you should see a newsletter come your way! This newsletter will let you know:

  1. What we have available/in-season.

  2. What’s in the Farmer’s Choice Box.

  3. Recipes, storage info and more.


What’s the Farmer’s Choice Box?

If you forget to customize your box one week, no worries, this box is automatically yours! So, this is the "standard" box everyone starts out with each week.

In the box is a good mix of green things, rooty things, and fruity things.

The items featured in the Farmer's Choice are likely those that we have the most of or, are the most confident about. Or, these may be new items available for a limited time.

You are not obligated to select ANY of the Farmer's Choice items.

How to Make Your Custom Box.png

Things to Remember:

  • You can purchase extra items in the other categories but NOT in the "For Your Box" category.

    • Credits are credits, not dollars. Items in other sections are in dollar amounts and can be purchased for that amount.

  • If you have Add-Ons like eggs, bread, or, cheese you don't need to add those items to your order.

    • They are automatically included in your share since they cannot be customized. They will not show up in confirmation orders either.

    • Eggs are usually available for sale though!

  • If you delete something, you are sometimes unable to add it back so, please use caution when deleting.

  • If you decide to reorder, the new order completely replaces the old one.

    • Please make sure your final email confirmation has everything you need, it is NOT a combination of your first and subsequent orders.