Food Safety on the Farm
we strive to keep our food clean and safe
We at Titus Farms are preparing for the implementation of FSMA (the Food Safety and Modernization Act) and continually seek to improve our farm’s policies and processes to keep everyone safe.
We eat our food, too, and want to keep everyone healthy!
Here are some highlights of our efforts to keep our food and environment clean:
Creating a Culture of Food Safety: promoting and educating employees on the idea that we keep the farm and food clean.
Worker Hygiene: Post signage and educate workers about proper hand washing and reporting of problems.
Limited and Careful Compost and Manure Use: Only use manure within certain parameters; otherwise, use a stable compost to maintain safe food.
Water Testing: we strive to test our water yearly to be sure the water we wash our veggies with is free from contamination.
Maintaining a Food Safety Plan and Continually Educating Ourselves: farm management has and maintains a plan to help keep your and our risk at a minimum. We also attend at least one educational class or yearly seminar related to food safety.
Fail to plan and plan to fail!