If you Need to Miss a Week:
For vacations or other scheduled events, you have lots of options!
Find a friend to pick up your share for you.
You DO NOT need to tell us ahead of time or notify us in any way. Just have them tell us your last name and we’ll handle the rest.
DO inform us at least 3 days before that you want to save any Add-Ons for yourself (save your chicken, eggs or mushrooms etc.).
Arrange a "Make Up" Share
Up to 3x a season you can "hold" your share. The "make-up" must be within 2 weeks of returning (or 2 weeks before you leave).
For caveats and a how-to, see below.
Switch your delivery day within the CSA week.
Example: If you’re getting back from a trip on Wednesday but aren’t sure you’ll make it, switch to Saturday distribution.
Delivery Holds and Make-Up Shares
Please remember: It is your responsibility to make arrangements for any missed shares and to redeem your make-up share in the time allowed.
A few caveats…
You have 2 weeks to Make it up (either before or after)
If you want to redeem the share before you miss the share, please email us back when you receive the confirmation email (Farmigo doesn’t have this ability but we can do it from our end).
*For winter shares, we just ask you make it up the next time we see you.
Place the Hold 3 days Before
You can schedule a delivery hold months or weeks in advance though!
We also realize 3 days in ideal. If you have a last minute schedule conflict, no biggie please place the hold so we don’t waste food.
Only 3 times per season
Farmigo will lock you out if you attempt more than that.
Each week or delivery missed is considered a missed time.
You get what you missed
If you skip a week with 5 items/credits, you should receive 5 items.
It is your responsibility to follow up with the hold.
This means that while we REALLY want to make sure you get what you’re owed (it’s your share after all!), it can be hard for us to keep track of everyone’s situation. Please, please, please email or text us if you have questions about your share.
How to Place a Delivery Hold
Navigate to your account in Farmigo and click on the Delivery Hold tab.
Navigate to your account in Farmigo and click on the Delivery Hold tab.
Select the dates you DO NOT want a share. If the date you return is in that box, it indicates you DO NOT want to pickup that day.
Save your changes!
This popup will ask when you’d like your next share.
Choose a date from the dates available that works for you. We ask that those dates are within 2 weeks of the missed share. Remember to click save again!
You should receive an email from confirming all your details.
To double check date of your next delivery, check the "Next Distribution Date" in the green Summary box in your account.
Changing Pick-Up Sites
You cannot change your location once your box is filled, so please try to switch locations the Sunday before you receive your next share.
On a Desktop computer:
Log into your account and find your Pick Up Site.
Click Change.
On a mobile device:
On a mobile device, click Summary.
Click Change and select an option that works for you!
If you want to change your site for the duration of the season, click “Permanent.” Otherwise, select “Next Delivery.”
If you select “Next Delivery” you will automatically be switched back to your previous location after that week. Unfortunately, this cannot be done in advance.